
Electric Vehicle: battery empty, what now?


The moment of shock is great when you see that the range Yours electric cars is running low and the next charging station is too far away to reach it, according to the display.

But we know that the range display is only ever an estimate. So don't panic! With a few tips, you might still make it to the nearest charging station.

Battery empty? Find the nearest charging station in your app

Check your charging app or navigation device to see if you don't have a charging station You missed it near you. Your charging app or your vehicle's navigation system shows you nearby charging stations.

Lower your speed to save energy

In any case, reduce your speed immediately - but please do so safely. Let your car roll out and try to drive as slowly as possible without creating a traffic obstacle. Try to drive as predictively as possible and avoid unnecessarily severe braking and accelerations.

Switch off all electrical consumers

Turn off the heating, air conditioning and — if it's safe — your headlights when they're not absolutely needed. In this way, you can reduce consumption and get back a few kilometers of range.

Avoid climbs on your route

If you know your way around and are able to: Try to avoid climbs, because you need more energy for them. It's better to take a route that has no or fewer climbs. But please make sure that any detour is not significantly longer, because that way you won't make any profit.

Use recuperation and drive with foresight

The great strength of e-cars is recuperation. Use regenerative braking to recover braking energy for your battery and longer range. Drive with foresight and avoid heavy braking and acceleration. Use One pedal drivingto get as much out of braking energy as possible. This can take you the decisive kilometers to reach the charging station.

If it's not enough, the roadside service will help

If, despite all measures, you are no longer able to reach the charging station: Then park the car at a safe location and call the roadside service. This will help you and, if necessary, take you to the nearest charging station.

Plan your route

So that you can avoid emptying your e-car: Plan your route in advance. Check out your charging app to see which charging options you have along the way. When planning your route, make sure that you leave a little buffer - the range of your electric car also depends on your driving style and environmental influences. Also plan so that you can go to another charging station if the planned charging station is busy, defective or unavailable for any other reason.

With a bit of advance planning and the right charging solution, you'll always reach your destination safely.