
AVAS (Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System)


What is AVAS?

AVAS - advertised “Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System” - is an acoustic warning system for pedestrians, which is primarily used for electric cars is used. Translated, it means something like “acoustic vehicle warning system.” AVAS therefore produces audible noises in an otherwise almost silent electric vehicle.

AVAS beim Elektroauto
What is AVAS in an electric car?

What is AVAS used for?

Electric cars and hybrid cars in electric mode are barely audible in road traffic - in addition to normal rolling and driving noises. Electric vehicles make hardly any noise, especially at low speeds.

In general, the lower noise level in road traffic is pleasant, but it also poses a certain potential risk. We have become accustomed to the sounds of traditional motors and can therefore be careless if we don't hear any.

Everyone will probably be able to remember a situation in which an e-car “snuck up” - this usually happens in parking lots. AVAS' goal is to produce sounds that pedestrians can hear, especially at low speeds.

Is AVAS mandatory?

Since July 2021, every newly registered e-vehicle must have an Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System installed. This is what the Regulation No 540/2014 Article 8 of the European Parliament.

“By 1 July 2019 at the latest, manufacturers shall install an AVAS in new types of hybrid electric and pure electric vehicles that meets the requirements of Annex VIII. Manufacturers will install an AVAS in all new hybrid electric and pure electric vehicles by July 1, 2021 at the latest. ”

However, there is no obligation to retrofit older electric cars.

What does the AVAS obligation say?

Annex VIII of the AVAS Mandatory Ordinance describes in more detail how the vehicle warning noise generator must function.

For example, a sound must be produced in the following cases:

  • when starting up to a speed of approx. 20 km/h
  • when reversing (unless there is already another system that produces warning noises in this case

There must also be a switch to turn the system on and off in the vehicle. But only on condition that it is switched on automatically the next time you start the car.

There are also official requirements for the type and volume of noise:

  • It must depend on the behavior of the vehicle and therefore get louder when accelerating, for example
  • It must be comparable with the volume and sound of a combustion engine in the same vehicle class
  • This also means that AVAS must be based on the sound of an engine. A piece of music that can be used in the USA is not permitted as AVAS sound in the EU.

Can I turn off AVAS?

In short, yes. As already described, an on/off switch is mandatory. This means that as a driver, you are not required to use AVAS as well.

However, you should be aware that, as a car driver, you also have a responsibility for the rest of the road users. For safety reasons, it is therefore advisable to leave your AVAS switched on while driving. And let's be honest: Especially when the windows are closed, it's barely audible in the interior of your car.