What is a CPO?

CPO is the abbreviation for”CHarge Point Operator”, in German: Charging point operator. Charging point operators are responsible for the technically safe operation of the charging infrastructure. You are responsible for the operational operation of charging stations and their connection to an IT backend (for example for billing charging processes for end customers or a EMP (e-mobility service provider - e.g. charging apps)).

Responsibilities of a CPO

The tasks of a Charge Point Operator include the planning and construction of charging stations, technical and legal reporting to authorities and providing access (technically and economically) to the charging point at EMPs. CPOs also collect data about charging processes and transmit it to the respective EMP (possibly via a roaming platform).

Several EMPs can be connected to a charging point. The CPO is responsible for organising the various offers. In most cases, the operation, organization and provision of billing data (CDR - Charge Detail Records) is carried out by the CPO via an IT backend. The exchange of data between CPO and EMP takes place either directly or via a so-called roaming platform.

Official definition of a charge point operator

According to the Charging Station Ordinance (LSV), a CPO is defined as someone who, taking into account legal, economic and factual circumstances, has a decisive influence on the operation of a charging point.

A CPO can own the charging station at the same time or be commissioned by the owner to organize it. In some cases, the roles of CPO, EMP and power supplier are covered by the same company.