
A specialist provider of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, elvah is a member company of the E.ON Group.  E.ON has set up a hotline and an externally operated website in order to facilitate the filing of anonymous reports of potential violations of the law or of rules.

These reporting channels are accessible not just to the employees of E.ON, but also to the partner firms of elvah, to our own employees, as well as to other third parties who wish to communicate confidential information.

You can use the hotline or website to report cases of potential misconduct, including corruption, fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion or human rights violations, as well as violations of anti-trust law and capital markets law, insider regulations, data protection laws or other breaches of the Code of Conduct.

It is important to note that the aforementioned whistleblower channels are not intended to be used for customer complaints or other contract-related matters involving our business with customers.  Depending on thenature of your concern, please resort to the E.ON hotline or contact us via support@elvah.de.

You will find further information about the Whistleblowing Website of the E.ON Group, as well as access thereto, by navigating to the following link:
Whistleblowing-Website of the E.ON-Group

If you require further information, please read the E.ON Rules of Procedure on the duties of care mandated under the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG, Supply Chain Act).  This document provides the most important information on the procedure to be followed in the case of complaints relating to human rights and environmental concerns under the Act.

E.ON’s Rules of Procedure are available here: https://www.eon.com/de/ueber-uns/entsprechenserklaerung/hinweisgebersystem.html